Best disposable razor ???????????

I can grow a full beard in two weeks. My skin is real sensitive since I am a redhead and fair skinned. The absolute BEST thing to shave with is a straight razor, however, I would end up cutting my head off. I use an antique safety razor I found on Ebay several years ago. It does damn NEAR the same job a straight razor does without the risk of accidental suicide. I use whichever four edge razor blades are on sale. I got an old NOS one because the new ones most everything else ain't worth spit. I can shave my whole beard off as close as I ever shave going over it just twice. A straight razor could do it once time over, but I am sure I would hit the jugular.

Oh and currently I am clean shaven except for a goatee. My razor blades last about 2 solid months. Lets see a disposable do that.