Tincup's 63 Dart w/5.7 Hemi

Liking the 67 we have a 68 that lives below my apartment it's really loud and doesn't like to be messed with laugh out loud it really hates rear tires and it loves eating Shelby's

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Hey Jim, I just found all your posts. I'm on the site almost every day, but I have not been on my own thread in months. Yes, my car does have the 545, and yes, there is a guy making a controller for the Nag1 (German trans), I think his name is LXModguy, but I could be wrong. Check the hemi swap threads, there is info there.
As for my next build, it is a 67 Dodge D100 with a 05 Viper V10

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tin i'm doing a 69 adventurer v10

Very cool, any pic's?