1970 Swinger 340 Hemi Orange 4 speed

I continue to enjoy this thread. Fantastic work. I only have one question. Where do you find all the time to do so much work?

Thanks! I do have a full time job that takes up between 40-60hrs a week but I set myself goals and make time... Sometimes a few hours during the week and I make time during the weekends. I also have a supportive girlfriend, which makes all the difference! :D. Most people take time off work to go on vacation... Me on the other hand, work on my car, haha. I started the metal work back in October, so I'm not making leaps and bounds progress, but it's slow and steady. Also, I'm 27yrs old and don't drink, smoke or go out partying, so all that extra $$ goes to car parts! And this car needs it's fair share of parts!!