Meteor showers tonight..supposed to be spectacular.

Golly, what a rosy outlook.

I asked my wife one day what limits the size and speed of an asteroid?

She say's "I don't know, maybe if it's under the size of a small planet it's considered an asteroid?"

I told her that there is zero evidence that there isn't an "asteroid" (or whatever term they wish to give it for it's size and speed) to eliminate the possibility of a mass of something from outside our universe 500 billion times the size of our sun to come through here at 500 billion miles an hour.

So big and so fast that you notice it in the sky in the morning with your naked eye, and by lunchtime you cant even see the sky at all from it's size and speed.
Then SPLAT, there goes out entire solar system in one big cloud of dust.

Or maybe it's traveling so fast we just notice it's suddenly getting darker and BAM!.

It's possible isn't it?

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack.