Crate 360 vs DIY Built

Do it yourself. Worst case scenario you have to buy a couple new parts and do it again but that's called learning. I never understood why guys got so anxious about first time builds.

It's a little intimidating and scary for your first time. My brother and I started when I was only 13. It was good having someone with you for help/moral support.

We made some mistakes, but learned from them, and keep improving and learning as we go.

With the internet today, we cannot be there with you, but can still give you the advice and support to get you through your first build.

Get some service manuals to cover the year and model of your car for reference. I learned alot from reading the service manual for what I didn't know. "How to Rebuild Your Small Block Mopar" book is a good reference also. I prefer the older versions that have the parts ID section in Chapter 4, which they took out of the newer editions. Even so, the information on rebuilding in either edition is worth reading.