LCA repair options...

So, I have a set of '73-'76 swaybar LCAs. Before I knew any better, I welded on the stiffening plates. Now that I know better, I realize that was a huge mistake. I found Jim Lusk's video and one of the LCAs I have appears to be mildly bad, while the other one is at least as bad as the worst one Jim says he's ever seen.

I'd like to save the arms...Is it worth my time/effort to grind the stiffening plates off, then do the repair as shown in Jim's video, or should I just bin this set and find another pair?

Whatever I do, I think I'm going to make my own stiffening plates. I didn't care much for the ones I got from Mancini. They worked fine and all, but my arms had the inset on the side that the plates didn't match up well with. I figure I can just come up with my own pretty easily that will better fit the arms.
