408 blueprint motor 445 hp

Well, I would have to disagree. Read below VVVV

Thanks Scott, now THAT is the way to handle these types of scenarios. It seems to me that Andrew could have taken the time to do the same.

When I, as a potential customer see something like he wrote, what do you think that makes me think?

There are 30,000 sets of eyes right here that could be potential customers.

So to those who think putting up your perspective from a company stand point is useless, because "it's arguing over the internet", I disagree.

PS. I don't have any dog in this fight and haven't an opinion of Blueprint, other than the fact they don't seem to want to "lay it out there", the good, the bad and the ugly. It makes for better customer relations. Everybody makes boo boo's at one time or another.

I agree. I'm not regretting my decision to go with MRL, but I would have given really serious consideration to Blueprint had I read that response.