Put a vacuum guage on ths car and take it out for steady speed, level ground cruise at 60 and 70 MPH and record the vacuum readings. Then check where your power valve setting is; you may be in the power valve at cruise.

Just one thing about the lower gears and taller tires: you'll lower the RPM and then get more TC slippage. So, there is only so much you can gain from that tactic with the converter you have. IMO, you are kinda stuck in a certain corner of the 'operating envelope' there with that TC.

The ignition and the carb need a lot of work IMO before doing anything else. Time to not suck at carb tuning anymore!

BTW, you need to read your plugs by running at whatever running condtion you want to check (WOT, cruise, etc.) for as long as you can and then IMMEDIATELY shut of the ignition and simultaneously shift to neutral, and coast to a stop, pull sthe plugs and then read them. Anything else is a waste of time.