Can't see while welding

Agreed here. I have a harbor freight helmet for about 6 years. Auto darkening with response time and darkness settings. Then you set it how you like. I have attached a canvas hood off the back of mine to block out ambient light coming from behind and weld outdoors in sunlight or indoors with lots of illumination.

i spent the money and got me a decent welding hood with digital settings and a larger viewing window. i also built a small pole on a base with casters on it. up top its got a flood light that pivots. i set it up behind and above me. that way it doesn't trip my auto darkening hood. it made a world of difference for me. that and keeping the inside and outside lenses clean. i order a 10pk of inner and outer lenses for my hood and keep them as clean as possible.

Here is one that got great reviews.

[ame=""]Antra AH6-160-0000 Solar Power Auto Darkening Welding Helmet with AntFi160 Wide Shade Range 4/5-9/9-13 with Grinding Feature Extra lens covers Good for Arc Tig Mig Plasma CSA/ANSI Certified By Colts Lab - Arc Welder -[/ame]