Opinions please. 833 Clutch issues

So, after installing the replacement pressure plate from brewers....problem solved!!! My luck I would get the one defective one to begin with. ...............

Might be time to REALLY get back to basics..........

2....Pressure plate.......Pressure plates CAN be defective, bad in that they don't release properly..

Very good. Been there, done that. I got into the same deal. Years ago, I installed a factory 'Vette 10.5 diaphragm unit in my 340 in the 70 RR body. No, they did not come with 340s, LOL

I got the "one unit" out of hundreds that would not release. Of COURSE this is a change from 3 finger, so you think of "everything else."

Finally, sent it in to a local clutch and brake outfit who had a press to check it, new press plate, worked GREAT.