FInally got moving on my 64 Barracuda!!

THis thread shows the spottiness of my working on this monstrous project.

I last did anything substantial 2 years ago, but did a construction project on my house which drank up the available funds.

Then last year, my father's health was declining, and I spent a lot of time at his place helping him out, and time for the car was minimal.

This year, for the first few months, I was in training for walking a half marathon in Pittsburgh, which I did AND completed. I was tentatively going to sign up for 2 more 1/2 marathons, but it hit me, all the time I would use to train is the free time I would NOT be devoting to the car. I decided to forego the half marathons in favor of trying to get the beast far enough along to come off of the rotisserie later this year. A considerable task, but an achievable task, I hope.