slant six exhaust manifolds

It will. You can also use "2" intake/exhaust manifold gaskets at the head sandwiched together. Learned that trick at the dealership in the 70's.File it as straight and close as you can. Remember to keep the special washers in the proper order when reinstalling and all will be good.
It will what? ??

I may have confused you, here is a better picture

The red arrows at each end of the manifolds show that the manifold runners in the middle are lower cause the ends of the manifolds have warped a bit.

All of my manifolds have done this to some degree.

Can I or why cant I make the outlets ( marked in yellow ) a bit larger to match the outer runners. Im assuming that an exhaust port in the manifold that is a bit larger than the port leaving the head would not be an issue.

I am assuming that if this manifold were bolted to the head and with the two outer runners being curled a bit as they are that the middle runners may not line up with the middle exhaust ports in the head possibly causing a restriction.

Better yet why cant I bolt the intake and exhaust manifold together and then run my straightedge end to end finding again the two outer exhaust manifold ports and cleaning out everything in between whether it be intake manifold or exhaust manifold?