slant six exhaust manifolds

Just answered your question "Can someone explain to me why this would not work?"
It will.Sure you can. You can file the flange marked with the red arrows to get all 6 flanges closer to being even with the straght edge. At least that is my interpetation of your question.
Yes this was my question, is there an issue with opening up all the exhaust ports just a bit so that as the manifold slides there is no chance of there being a step or ledge that the gases would have to go around as they exit the head at any given time during the heat cycle.

I understand that the manifold prob. moves/slides a very minute amount but I wouldnt be surprised that it was enough to make this ledge at some point ( especially with a warped exhaust manifold ) since the exhaust manifold exit openings ( in the manifold) do not appear any larger than the head exhaust ports.

I have not read any threads where opening up these manifold ports was common practice or recommended so that is why I am being cautious.

Have you done this with your own in the past?

EDIT: I know there are ( at least ) two different ways of matching the intake exhaust manifold ports to the head, one is called gasket matching and the other is port matching.

Not certain yet which one of these two I should be going for( maybe both ) ......port matching has me confused cause again why wouldnt we just open up intake ports at the head slightly so there would be no chance of a ledge incoming fuel would stumble on.


Exhaust ports ( on the manifold ) a bit larger as well, then the exhaust port on the head so that again no chance of fuel stumble as the exhaust manifold slides.

I hope this makes sense.

To re-cap hog out exhaust manifold ports a bit
Hog out head intake ports a bit
No chance of ledge