Man I do NOT have the suds, anymore

Nice info- Plus with the meds stuff. I also have gout and I take colchicine when it flares up. Gone in 2-3 days. Real cheap at Walmart- something like 10-15 dollars for a bunch of them. I am only 42 and have high glucose, high blood pressure, heart skips about 200 times an hour-average is 10-20. Asthma, 3 buldging and deteriating discs in my lower back and 2 in my neck. I am given pain meds but very rarely take them. I don't drink pop-soda-lol, hardly at all. I drink Gatorade mostly. Not real great for you if you don't sweat much but better for you than 90% of the other crap out there. I still eat my steak-just cut down on it. Doc said no more than 60 grams of carbs at each meal- which isn't too hard to stick with. Was in an accident 7 weeks ago in which we were rear-ended at about 50mph-we were stopped. Received a concussion and whiplash and I didn't even hit my head on anything- just the whipping snap. Been off of work since then because I drive tractor trailer and cant get my D.O.T. physical approved yet.
Like I said- Im only 42. I already have a cpap machine, glucose meter, and a blood pressure kit here at home.
Heres the kicker-the other day I went to a martial arts for film seminar, in past 4 weeks I retarred my roof, pulled some railroad ties around, reset trailer-ground sinks, mowed 2 acres with a push mower, worked on my 74 duster, and a few other things. Yes- my back isn't very bendable at the end of the day, or in the morning lol, but- I keep going and at most only take one tramadol every other few days. A tramadol is basically equal to 3 Tylenols.
Sorry I wrote so much. Keep trucking guys!