Crank Sensor
Hell I'll give it a shot, can't hurt, might help. I had originally considered an HEI module anyway, but the #1 deal and continuously, and sometimes rapidly, varying signal input gives me pause. But let's assume that will run and have a negligible effect on pulse width and driveability and take a look at the 8pin module and mag pickup.
Am I seeing this correctly? The module uses magnetic pickup output to generate 5v on pin R via the AC to DC converter? If so that would only require the use of pins P, N and R on that side of the module by leaving the bypass relay de-energized.
Here's the kicker.....or maybe not. I've read that the GM style mag pickup makes more juice than the Mopar design since it has 8 poles that align at once, while the Mopar "AC generator" only aligns one pole at a time with the magnet. Whether that's true or not, can't say. If all of the above is correct, it raises the question of whether or not the single pole Mopar pickup puts out enough juice at low RPM to get the job done.