Lunati VooDoo Question

Sounds like when it was started after the storage it bent a pushrod.. Which came first the plunger or the pushrod isn't really a big deal - but a sticky valve might have done both. Especially if later you had signs of valves hanging open. The 901-16s are very mild - which I tend to think it's not a lobe causing the failure, but a failure casuing the lobe to go bad. I'd simply plan to change the cam and lifters, use the lifters that the cam manufacturer says to. Verify the lifters rotate when you put it in, use a good break in paste on the lifter faces and lobes, make sure the pushrods allow for the right preload for the lifer you use. Make sure the springs - if they are true doubles and have an inner round wire spring that you do not install it for breakin. Follow the breakin procedures and make sure the engine can run for 20 minutes around 2K without stopping. Then add the inners and drop the oil and you should be fine. No need for magic lifters.