74 Rust Problem

Im new to the site and am looking for advise with open ears. 74 Valiant with major rust pockets from WI salt including but not limited to inner fenders, torsion bar cross member, all sub frames, floor boards, pinch rails and so on. There is alot of car left for now and im not giving up on this one so i need a plan. I will replace anything nessisary to remove this cancer but i have limited funds. Im looking for any help on effective ways to restore my car from good part ideas to metal thickness any help is apreciated.

well guys no help. didnt pay a dime for it and its alctualy less of a rust bucket than you think. I wanted to make a plan so it dosent go to waste but your right. Its not worth anything to you so ill scrap the shinny girl. Thanks for painting with your wide brushes. I'm far more inclined to take on a restoration like this than you. Came here for specific A-body details but thats not happening. Usless old people!

Read the first post, then read the second.

Totally contradictory.