Time management

Time management is one of the differences between successful people, and those who experience limited success, or repeately try and fail, and some, never even try.

You are the only person who can sort through your "to do list" and prioritize it to meet your needs.

What I have done, my entire life (I'm 64 years old, now) was to ramp up on tasks. Start with a few smaller ones that you can knock off fairly quickly. Once I've tackled a couple of these things, and I'm "in gear", I can continue onto the larger and more time consuming tasks.

That simple process has worked for me most of my life. I'm not suggesting that my method is THE method for everyone, but it worked for me.

I simply sort through things by importance, and then by size or scope. Even some of the smaller tasks could have built in delays (for example, waiting for someone else to supply info, or material), so that "simple task" becomes a more complex one because you now have another person involved. As a result, I could end up with more than one list. A list of things I can do immediately, and a list of things that are pending input of time or material from others.
As those things become available the tasks move from the "pending" list to the "doable" list.

That works for me, because the list of tasks that can be done immediately becomes shorter, and psychologically "easier" and far less daunting. When I look at my "things to do" list, it has only achievable goals on it. The "Pending" list isn't corrupting my desire to screw off.

You'll have to try a few things to see which one works best for you. keep in mind that tenacity (in this case) is an excellent trait. If you're the time to become discouraged easily, you will have to deal with that, because giving up before you've given something a chance to work is a sure performance killer, and easy too to do, and use as an excuse.