Some Dirt Bag
Holy Cow!
Guys I can not believe this! The paypal notice's go to my wife's e-mail account that she doesn't look at much. I logged on to PayPal and was in total disbelief :tongue9:
You guys are far to generous! A bike for Chey will get bought this weekend for sure and my wife is going to find out what size bike Gabby had. We're not sure if she's big enough for a 20" yet. She is a petite thing! Bike locks will come with the bikes. I've also dug out my engraving tool to mark the bikes.
Does anyone have any extra FABO stickers. I never asked for any when I was gold (which I will renew!) I'd like to put at least one on each bike to remind the girls of your kindness.
I know 1 little girl will be learning a lesson on paying it forward and helping others.
I've not said anything to Gabby or her mother yet, I hope to surprise her this weekend.
On a personal note,
Wow, I knew you folks were first class, but I got to tell you, I am absolutely honored to be in your company. :prayer:
I truly never expected this. I was just venting, and using the forum as a sounding board. The police see so much of this lately that their numb to it.
There will be another picture in the near future with Chey on a bike because after all:
God love all of you!
Thanks again!