Interesting. The guy ran his dodge on gas fumes..

51 miles to the gallon. And the urban legend grows:

Smokey y 1980's 100 miles to the gallon pont Ferrero 2.5 draw through turbo, heat exchanger to vaporize the gas ,while working for GM ,the USA gov paid them not to produce it ,It would upset the balance of power and national security this is no BS and Smokey had to sign a contract of non disclosure with no pat. rights Its amazing what comes out after someone dies. he thought he was doing his best to help and was screwed in one of his best inventions .Everyone knows of his racing legend but the rest of the world would have put him up there with the Einstein's of our times.

I always heard this story was about the little guy mechanic who came up with the "100 mpg carb" during the 50's. Then Esso gas bought the rights and government **** canned the patents all in the name of national security. Funny how stories like this take on a mind of their own with each retelling and "god's honest truth."

Fairy tales start with "once upon a time." Car guy's stories start with this "ain't no bullshit..."