Animal rights BS

You know what REALLY pissese off??? There was a guy that killed a deer (not sure if he shot it or if it was road kill) that was pretty far along in her pregnancy. When he dressed her he found the fawn and took pictures of it and posted em on social media (not the brightest thing to do these days) well he got attacked as being a heartless monster and all sorts of stuff like that!!! Now what really pisses me off about this is the fact that who many of the same ppl that were attacking him for killing a pregnant deer have had an abortion??!! This country has gone so far down hill that killing a baby (abortion) is widely accepted but kill a baby animal and you can bet there's a good chance you're lookin at jail time!!

Since when is an animals life more important than a humans?? If I had to choose between the lives of my 2 calves, German shepherd and 2 Siamese kittens and the life of a complete stranger, I'm sorry animals, I love y'all but y'all aren't as important as a human...