6.1 no p/steering no a/c pulley
So I decided to investigate this factory PS delete bracket further and actually came across the 5.7 converted Jeep in my travels, it is running the same part number bracket as mentioned previously:
I decided to buy one with the idea that it may be able to be machined down to fit, The problem is that it is actually about 1/2" too long and they made it hollow so there is not enough meat in the pulley end to allow it to be machined down to suit a non VVT engine.
As 77BBSwinger has already mentioned, the only way to use this factory bracket is to cut it down and TIG it back together:
More to come. For most people it will be easier to fork over the money for one of the aftermarket setups of if you have the skills to modify one, then it is probably just as easy to build one from scratch.