How to drive the stripe...NOT!

If you would have dial it hard and ran it through you probably would have had him. He was way to close to his number with a decent light for you to be bagging that hard... especially in the 1/8th..

But what to I know.... I use to bag a lot but I find that consistently (like running withing 5 hundreds all day) and a decent light will push a lot of guys under.

Still a close race. You got beat by the math as I like to put it.

I think you missed my point, but I'll try my best to clear it up. I was dialed 0.01 soft, or "bagging" as you put it. I was set up to run a 6.85 on my 6.86 dial if I left my foot on the floor. My car will repeat within a few thousandths of a second all day. If I dial soft, I usually only hold enough to cover my reaction time...since my reaction times are usually in the 0.01x-0.02x range I decided to dial 0.01 soft. One of the many reasons for dialing soft on occasion (no, I don't do this all the time) is because my track has a LOT of heavy hitters that can squeeze into your "dial it hard and run it out the back door" winning package a lot of the time....not to mention if the starting line goes away it gives you a chance to still run close to your number...Anyways, back to my actual point.

My car broke out by more than I think is possible (after looking at the incrementals of the run), so I believe I took the stripe with the nose of the car since the finish line beams are 6-8 inches above the ground. By putting a stripe taker on the nose of the car, the car will always trip the beam with the same part of the car, thus making it more consistent (even under braking). Does that help?