Am I insane? Swirl paint?
That yellow Challenger seen above is what I'm talking about.. its going to be swirl painted with a "yellow" base.....The swirls, will be Plum Crazy Purple over yellow.....
THEN, that same model, has a shaker hood scoop, that will have a plum crazy purple base, with yellow swirls.....
The whole car, is a flip-flop, I took out the 340 TA engine, replaced with a 426 Hemi RT engine, the paint as said above....
I have yet to rub the shell down and get ready for the swirl dip......I'm working on a technique to get the paint to do what I want over this shell, BEFORE I actually go through with it.....SO, I've been reading up on the whole thing and in different ways people have done it to guitars to see if I can control in what way the purple goes over the yellow, as I don't want to cover the yellow completely up with purple.....
Make a little more sense now?