Some Dirt Bag
1st I want to thank every one who helped out! It certainly wasn't expected but it is appreciated.
2nd. My Grand daughter Cheyanne has a typical female or maybe she becoming like us, picky about her ride. It's taken her over a week to decide what bike she wants. We have been to just about every place that sells a bike and taken pictures of every bike she has considered. But it's looking like a Schwinn is going to be the winner.
3rd, there was enough money sent to cover the cost of the bikes and plenty to spare. So if you guy's don't mind I bought 2 cases of bike locks and gave them to the kids in the neighborhood. The leftovers I gave to the sheriffs dept and asked them to hand out.
4. while I was handing out locks, kids were bringing bikes to me to air up tires because Chey told them I had a air hose. Next thing I know, I'm fixing bikes in the neighborhood. So I did buy a couple inner tubes also and one kid is going to need a new front wheel.
As of yesterday (the 18th) there was still money coming! So, I'll parlay that into more locks and some bike parts.
I gotta tell ya, this time last year I was a guy that lived on the corner and had a big nice looking yard. Now that my grand daughter lives with me, my yard has become a playground and every kid around plays there. The grass is tromped, there are balls, toys and all sorts of things lying about.
My poor yard is a complete disaster area!
I wouldn't have it any other way!