Am I insane? Swirl paint?
I knew the "NOS" comment be something so simple and make me feel dumb all at the same time LOL Its only pride right? LOL
Anyway, yes, the Challenger I have was a NOS model that I got, and am messing it all up as really, it probably is a collectors type model! The new one that you can buy thats made by Revell, is a 1970 Dodge Challenger TA.....They also make the same car a RT as well......Sadly, in both these new models, they keep the 340 as a power plant!
I like to try and keep the models I build "stock" but this is one time, I just couldn't resist it....I got nothing against the 340, or any Mopar engine really, BUT a Challenger with a big block, (A Hemi no-less) has to be awesome!
Anyway, I am a builder, needless to say, I'm also a collector too (I have to limit myself) BUT right now, I am limited with funds, I'm awaiting a pay off the government owes me from a mistake they made on my income tax return...a $3,800 dollar mistake, PLUS I own some property, thats sold, an am awaiting pay off on that as well.....
BUT, I used to own a Hobby Shop. I was right on top of things for the most part, till last year and had to under go Open Heart Surgery, which slowed me right down and I wound up having to close the shop up due to it. Granted, I had more to do with Scale model Trains then model cars, but, I always seemed to be near model cars when dealing with the trains so. it kinda was always in the shadows, I guess....PLUS I worked part time doing Landscaping and Building repairs too...
Now, that shop is mine to enjoy and build.....Trains or model cars (I'm taking a bit of a break from the trains tho, I've got to trade and sell off some stock of it but working on them (building) I'm taking a break for awhile.....
When ya need things or are looking for specific details, let me know!