Cheap alternative to pricey flat tappet oil in street cars...


I was doing my math with zero zinc levels. I know that Brad Penn's conventional has none. I'm only going to assume, because I haven't asked any other reps, but I believe that this move made by them was nothing shy of an industry standard.

Their Penn Grade 1 is the stuff with 1100ppm zinc and 1300-1400 ppm phosphorus.

Zinc levels are way down, but I'd like to know what the industry standards are for phosphorus in conventional oils (SL rated), because phosphorus is even more important than the zinc.[/QUOTEAct
Mopar Action ,did a decent article a couple of years back. (Used the Mobil catalog,for lubricants). It listed both zinc & phosphorus, IIRC. A paper article available only,M/A. doesn't put articles online. Info below......
In the Oct 2010 Mopar Action there was an article about why cams wipe more now and what to do about it. They had all the Mobil oils analyzed and the rec was to use a diesel oil and the GM or MOpar EOS and also named a ZDDP supplier. Strangely, the oil they recommended was a synthetic , but that is a whole 'nother question..