Trans and / or converter damaged?

Here we go, found the time to cut this pos me it seems that the retainer from the sprag and the impeller were welded to each other, caused the symptoms. Dont know how, but somehow the rollers from the sprag were pressed into these retainer plate, then the stator hub got in contact with the retainer plate and grooved it......there was some axial pressure and some friction, creating heat....... The retainer plate from the sprag has got a crack, donĀ“t know if this was the first damage?

It seems that the internals are from a stock (dated 1980) converter, Fins must be modified by the supplier to get a little more stall speed, and of course it was painted red......:D.

Lessons learned: next time buy a quality converter, not the right place to cheap out.

In the Trans pan there was less debris than expected, i will open and check the whole trans together with a friend this thursday, will flush the cooler and the lines carefully.

Feel free to give some tips to a Trans Newbie ;)


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