Trans and / or converter damaged?

In your first photo, it looks like the snap ring that holds the cap on top of the sprag isn't installed properly, unless the stator cap is pushing the snap ring out. Was there not a bearing or washer in there?
If I can, I'll head over to the converter shop I retired from and have a quick look at how the builder installs these items again.

Hi, in this photo the snap ring is removed by me, wanted to look what´s there inside...;)

There was no washer or sth. in between the stator and the turbine. There is some kind of Thrust bearing on the other side of the stator, but it seems to be worn down. The Turbine spins smooth and freely on it´s bearing, i don´t think this is damaged.

Maybe your colleagues can tell if there´s sth. missing....and why. Thanks!
