Time for feedback on car for sale

You ask, so here is my thought

Pretty strong money for a car that isn't a correct car. A formula S 340 number matching in the correct color might bring that kind of money.

The money in the engine, well it isn't a new engine anymore. Many good parts but not worth what it cost to build. To a collector the stock numbers matching 340 would be worth more in the frame rails.

The tape stripe, leave it on or you will have a darker red/orange stripe down the middle, but again not a correct stripe so buyer would probably want it gone and the engine compartment, well needs to be the same as the exterior, not red and bronze, OR BLACK

Hole in seat, dash pad cracked, seats are easy, dash pad, mine cost $440 over 10 years ago to redo

So no matter how nice it is unless someone likes as well or better than you they are looking at the cost to make it right.

Not bashing your car, I like it and would be a great weekend cruiser. But for that kind of money thing I could come up with one needing less work. Not sure if a totally restored Formula S would bring that in today's market.

Good luck with the sale and hope you find the Duster of your dreams.