67 barracuda gas tank removal

Hello guys,

I am looking at removing the gas tank from a 67 barracuda slant six to install a new one along with the a new 5/16 sending unit. My question is how do I get to the bolts that hold the gas tube on? They seem to be hard to get to under the rear trunk panel for lack of better terms. I plan on using the following from amazon...I have a gift card to use up.

Spectra Premium CR11B Fuel Tank for Dodge/Plymouth,
Spectra Premium FG69A Sending Unit for Dodge/Plymouth

Will these parts get the job done. I know i need a new grounding strap. Probably why my gas gauge doesn't work. Thanks for the assistance...and while I'm at it i will order a new factory manual because the Haynes manual doesn't cover the 67' barracuda tank removal part.