Race car mystery-Help us solve PLEASE

To lose a full second is a LOT. I would think it would have to be down on power through out the run to lose that much ET. For example: On my car, if I lift at the 1/8 mile marker and coast the last half of the track it still runs 11.4x (this is on a run where it was going to run 10.7x all out). I'm leaning towards bad valve springs. Have you pulled your dipstick on the trans and smelled the fluid? Make sure it doesn't smell burnt, or look too dark.

Good luck at Monster Mopar. I'm not attending this year, even though I have had great success at those races in the past....actually, now that I think about it, I have always won more $$$$ than I spent in entry fees at those races (crap, now I kinda want to go)...oh well, that leaves more money for you guys to win :D.