speed kills

For me, there is way WAY too much emphasis by officials on speeding. "In this area" you CAN'T speed for very far or very fast, there's simply too much traffic. the point? It's not speed per se that is causing accidents

It's distracted driving

bully driving......."I can run that stop light because I'm a big shot"


doing **** without signals or warning.......switching lanes or turns

any all and more, and I'll admit speed makes things worse, but around here, it is not THE factor.

Yup, pretty much 100% true. I don't fly around like I used to. Hell, don't have a vehicle that would hit the 170+ that my old GSXR would. Have been in a few wrecks, none my fault....and all of them were caused by distracted driving....or just flat out stupidity. You can't make a turn into a neighbor hood at 45mph on a snow covered road...just aint gonna happen...