F*&%ing ford!

Talk about a pain in the azz! I got brave(or stupid) and decided to change the valve stem seals in our spare ($1000 POS) car. It's a 97 Crown vic interceptor 4.6. Replacing the seals requires a $70 special spring compressor (sohc) and a $50 set of valve cover gaskets. Little did I know when I got into it the valve covers are close to impossible to remove, let alone reinstall with gaskets on them. Changing the seals on most of the valves wasn't too bad, until you get to the rear on both sides. Most of the info I found said to pull the evap. housing, loosen motor mounts, pull the brake booster ect. ect.. What it boils down to is that the 4.6 does not belong in that car! I had to take a break and finish the 2nd side the next day. The compressor has to be levered with a 3/8 ratchet while you fish the keepers out and try not to lose anything! F@#& Ford!