F*&%ing ford!

You know, I got to thinking yes Fords are a ***** to work on. I had to change a wheel bearing in the front driverside wheel on a Taurus wagon (the last Ford I'll EVER own!) and it took 3 f*ckin days to do! to remove the wheel/tire, and then to knock the rust loose to get the damned rotor off the hub, and then to remove the whole freakin strut, was a PITA, and that is an understatement! As the strut decompressor I got is to big, and its the smallest one available, or well at that time it was anyway.....And I had to take it apart, and try to assemble it INSIDE the damed coil spring of the strut to get it grab just enough steel to decompress it to remove it as one bolt that holds the wheel bearing in place is right behind it, and at the angle it all is, you can't get the bolt out enough to remove it, and then get the wrench out of that location too....And if it "goes flying" it breaks your wrench OR cracks the spindle....Had the passenger side to do just that!

What a PITA to remove! I can say the Olds Cutlass I had many moons ago was about the easiest wheel bearing I ever did.......I've never had to replace or change one in a Mopar so.....The Olds was a beatin car when I got it,. and it traveled regularly on a dirt pounded with pot holes road, for about 2 miles one way just for me to leave home and come back home so. 4 miles a day out and back one time, and if more then it got more wear and tear on it so the wheel bearings took a serious poundin'......