Hellcat HP

Not everyone has the same taste in vehicles. Personally when it comes to the classic Barracudas I prefer the A body Barracudas.

Comparing the Classic Challenger to the new one is like comparing apples to oranges, imo. The only thing they have in common is a name.

That said, the new ones handle MUCH better, generate more power with less engine, are FAR more efficient, and can easily compete with the classic challenger on a drag strip.

However, the classic E body Challengers and 'Cudas will probably always be worth more (in my opinion) than the new ones, don't need a computer, and are an freakin' BLAST to drive!

I don't know that I like the new Challenger better than the old one, but I do know that I wouldn't be opposed to owning either.

The same can not be said for the New Chargers and Darts.

The New Charger is a mis-named family sedan with a performance option. IMO, Chrysler would have done much better to call it a Magnum Sedan. The Available R/T package and the available SRT package speak for themselves. They are, quite simple MORE DOOR fun car. In fact, bring out the Magnum wagon, and the Magnum Sedan at the same time MIGHT have helped the sales on the wagon. The were essentially the same car. There was no need to bastardize the Charger's legacy with a sedan.

The New Dart is a huge disappointment both in form, and sales. It sicken's me that they bastardized the Dart name for another nondescript FWD 4 door sedan, that is really no different than any other car in it's segment. If they HAD to resurrect a handle from the past for a FWD sedan, they should have used "Colt". After all, that what it more closely resembles, anyway ( and seems to be selling as well, too).

This is just my opinion, though.