ROSEY RUNS!!!!!!! (sort of)

I had similar issues when I bought my '72 Dart with 225 /6 and I bought the Autoline C7066 carb (Holley 1920 rebuilt) from Rockauto along with the Spectra Premium fuel tank and a new sending unit. I also replaced all the soft fuel line with new fuel injector line (holds up better to ethanol in new gas). I'm going into the second year and everything is fine so far.

A couple more notes:
- swapping on the new Autoline carb was very easy, took maybe 15 minutes tops.
- I've heard a lot of bad things about the rebuilts, and I'm sure there's a lot of truth to it, but the 1920 on my Dart was already an older parts store rebuilt, so it may or may not have been a good one to rebuild anyway. So, I opted for the Autoline, and so far so good.
- Be sure you put the carb gasket on the right way when you replace the carb, there's a hole that has to go the right way.
- When you replace the sending unit, reuse the old lock ring. It's thicker than the junk ones they make now, and will seal right. The $15 lock ring removal tool isn't necessary but it makes replacing it an effortless job taking about 1 minute.
- Be sitting down when you see the price on the Autoline carb. I still think it was worth it, to me anyway.

Good luck whatever you decide to do! The difference in the way my Dart runs now as before I did this work is night and day.

EDIT: I just found your other thread and see that you have a '65. The note above about the carb gasket may or may not be true for your year, and the part # for the carb I gave may or may not be correct for a '65. Just thought I'd put that out there to avoid any confusion later ;)