Puke!!! Glued together meat being sold to us

if it is that hard to tell whats the big deal ?

The big deal is all of the additives/chemicals/hormones that is added to our food is affecting our health.

Why is diabetes and cancer so popular now days when it wasn't back before the 60's? Some of it is hereditary, but I feel most of it is environment.

The **** that they are allowed to get away with in our food is amazing.

Drink companies load the drinks with sugar so they taste good and also don't totally satisfy your thirst. I dare you to find a drink that has less than 20g of sugar per serving. The only one that I see is some bottled Lipton iced tea. The freakin' bottled Minute Maid Lemonade has more sugar than a regular pop/soda. Fruit juices have over 20g of sugar per serving, so you are not safe "assuming" that the fruit drinks are safe to drink also.

They give hormones to animals to get them fatter with less feed. This chemical is then in the meats that we eat, and passed along to us. So now we gain more weight eating less food. Then they wonder why people are heavier now days, when they are ingesting these hormones. I believe that these same hormones also make the girls "develop" sooner at a younger age.... Do 10 year old girls really need to start growing boobs??? No....