Puke!!! Glued together meat being sold to us

We have an extra stand up freezer in the house garage. Every year I buy a 1/4 of a grain/corn fed beef from a local farmer I know. He even takes them to the same butcher I use for the deer I hunt. I pay $2.95 a lb hanging weight at the butcher after its been dressed. Then pay the butcher around $120 to cut and grind it for me. No comparison to store bought whatsoever. I also notice, when we fry the ground, the grease is clear, not PINK or RED.

That's what I'm working towards. I need a bigger freezer (and more money). Local farmer here advertises $2.50 a lb for a swinging side of beef, cut the way you want it. $1.50 a lb for a swinging side of pork, cut the way you want it.