Required accuracy / resolution of truck scales?

There is no way that a scale that can weigh a truck will be able to sense 1 lb difference, it's not "sensitive" enough. If it was, it would get damaged too easily.

If you want to know for sure, go back there and take your truck over it 10 times in a row and collect each reading. Then look at how much variance there is. I wouldn't bet that it is 60 lb or more for a scale that measures things that heavy.

Also one of our professors taught us, that a gauge is only accurate in the "center"of it's range. That is from 1/4 of the reading to 3/4 of the reading, and you want to pick a gauge that reads your "application" as close to the center as possible. In the "outer ranges"; from 0 - 1/4 reading and 3/4 to max are more inaccurate.

So the scale that your speaking of, if it's made to measure much heavier vehicles than yours, most likely is not accurate in the range of your truck and not capable to measure the difference accurately.