Email From "Assassin"

I got a text threat from a scammer once. We traced it to a cell phone in boston. It just happens that my friend's wife is from boston. I was able to give them specific places in boston to meet so they could carry out their threats. They declined. What followed was a daily barrage of EXTREMELY vile and vulgar insults from me that lasted a few weeks. They weakly tried to rebuff my attack in broken english. Eventually the phone went out of service. :sad2:

I like this guy's solution:

In a nutshell, he bought a PS3 and some games online but they were never delivered, so he started sending the entire works of Shakespeare to the seller. By text message. He would copy and paste an entire play from the internet into one message on his phone, and when he hit send his phone would split the plays up into 160 character texts and sent them all out. So far, the guy that stiffed him has gotten nearly 30k texts containing the works of Shakespeare, 160 characters at a time.