It was the HUGE trash talk cun-frun-TA-shun LOL

It is like that everywhere. People are always lookin for a fight.

Yes, and with the popularity of 'reality' shows it gets worse. The shows want the "problem child" to cause trouble and drama to get higher ratings. Then the idiots who watch that crap think that it is the proper way to act towards people... :finga:

Then you get these rappers trying to glorify being a "gangsta" and rap about carrying guns and getting into street and gun fights. And the people listening to them want to be like them. Then they whine when their rap star "hero" gets gunned down in an after hours night club arguement....

I'm not trying to bash rap or anyone who listens to it. You have a right to listen to whatever you like. But rappers are the only "singers" that I know of that regularly get killed in gunfights vs rock, country, jazz, classical, etc....

Rock stars are more famous for dying from OD'ing on drugs or alcohol, not killed by guns.