Grant horn button help!

It's been YEARS since I've done any of this, but it appears to me that parts are mixed and matched

Where or who made the piece mounted on the column? THAT is what the key is I think, and if it's a Grant piece, they sent you the wrong contact pieces, end of story.

Do you have the electrical wiper stuff UNDER the adapter? Does the horn work if you ground the wire?


is more like I'm used to seeing, and looks more like what your electrical contact fits. Normally, it bolts to the top of the wheel with shoulder bolts which allow the contact to move. The spring goes on top of the center bolt and directly under the horn button cap

Incidently I consider the type shown to be "almost junk." Because of the chrome wheel, etc, it becomes work to operate the horn, and half the time, "it doesn't" (when you want it to)

Seems to me you want to go back to square one with the adapter you have