Bike guys, help.

I appreciate the help guys, so does my bike.

I've owned her for about 16 years now, it had roughly 300 original miles on it when I bought it from the original owner. The original owner bought it new, rode it a couple times in 1977-1978 (mid '77 production "78 DT") and parked it for the rest of its life.

An assistant at the shop was responsible for all the damage to the bike, he grabbed the keys out of the office, took it out on the road, couldn't handle it, stood it straight up and flopped it over.

Thanks to that site AlV mentioned, I can replace the incorrect parts with correct parts to return it back to an original look. Minus the Performance Mods to the engine, those can stay because they make it more fun and still look original (cause they are period correct yamaha parts), except for the Reeds, those are aftermarket and they can stay too.