Finally decided on a cam for teen SB. Should I bother with header?

I don't understand the "headers only help higher RPM" thing. It's bullshit. Headers wake an engine up through the entire RPM range. Why the heck do you think the factory has gone with tubular manifolds?

^^^ what he said

Headers have always been one of the most cost efficient ways of making H/P..

You can expect up to 10% h/p increase thru mufflers,, and up to 15% open.. My personal,, and customer's seat of pants experience would back that up..

Doug's un-coated, heavy guage headers are about $350 at Auto-zone with their 20% discount, (free shipping) that happens every few month's.

That's cheaper than some hi-po manifolds, and you can expect at least 10 yrs good service,, prob more if it's not a daily driver..

If you haven't dropped the front end to the ground, even $150 Summit headers will give good service.. That's 10% h/p for $150,, THAT's cheap horsepower !!

When you decide to upgrade,, you won't be limited by your exhaust ..

hope it helps