degreeing a slant camshaft with no cam card

This is perfectly clear, again I have understood this for a while now.............All in the world that you are doing...........

Measure maximum lift by watching the indicator, and NOT what that is.

Back up the engine, WAY before "the event" so as to approach again with "slop" taken up in the chain, and bring the lifter up to .050" BEFORE your max reading.

NOTE the reading on the degree wheel.

Now go "up and over" the lobe top, and down the other side, and AGAIN set your indicator to the SAME lift minus .050, so and again note your degree wheel.

Now you have two degree readings "some distance apart." These degree readings are now the point at which the lifter was .050 below max lift

ALL YOU ARE DOING here is picking two arbitrary lift points.......050" below max lift..........and using the idea that IF IF IF the lobe is symmetrical, then the centerline (max lift) is exactly halfway (rotationally) between whatever crank degrees indicated those to settings.

so with your two crank rotational degree settings, all you need to do is figure halfway in between those readings................

But again what I am not understanding is how to use this degree number ( the halfway point ) to verify that my #1 cylinder intake valve is opening at 6 degrees BTDC and that my # 1 intake valve is closing at 42 degress ABDC and that my #1 exhaust valve is opening at 36 degrees BBDC and my # 1 exhaust valve is closing at 12 degrees ATDC.

This is where I am and have been stuck.

I just want to verify that my cams are installed correctly, that they are neither advanced nor retarded. That they are installed straight up as they should be.