1968 318 water pump?

I had an 80's 318 in a 65 dart & used the early pump & kept the OE 80's (later style) tcover/dampener so I ended up with the tcover marks/dampener TDC slit/hose are all on the DR side. I could just see the marks if I aimed the light just right. Next time I would do as shown/described in the above pic: find exact TDC with the ten dollar tool in the plug hole and make a new pointer and a white paint mark on the dampener but I was able to time it (just barely) without changing anything but the pump which was nice at the time. Cut a strip of white paper measured with your calipers and 0.0632683" is (1) degree & use it as a ruler to make new marks and 5 marks (TDC) (10) (15) (20) and 35 (total) worked for me even tho I love my dialback I like to double check and dialbacks can be off a hair as the delay is electronically based on time and different dia dampeners the marks are moving farther in a given amt of time & whose to say if the light is made for a mopar 7&1/4" dia dampener. A bit picky maybe but I have noticed dialbacks can be off a degree. EDIT what 67 cuda said: line up the slit/zero on tab then make a new paint mark on the other side at your new pointer & no need to find exact TDC with the tool in the plug hole (unless you are blueprinting). With a timing tape be sure to clean the dampener well then install the tape then spray it with clear lacquer & let it dry thoroughly to insure it wont fly off which they have a tendency to do. MORE EDIT This might be wacky (my coffee ain't ready) but you might time it off of #8 plug wire which would make it flash 90 deg later and the dampener slit would have rotated 90 deg CW & it'd be on the DR side & just add a pointer :)