Suggestions for the Best Comp Ratio, Pistons & Cam for Street 340

Joes Edge,

In the 'Street Performance' 340 Engines we built {New York, New Jersey and Connecticut}
with 93 Octane, we liked to stay around a "9.75 -1" Compression Ratio with the
Comp-Cams XE-268H.

Most engines received the KB-243 Piston {Flat Top; w/2 Valve Reliefs}.

With the Hypereutectic Piston, we could run as high as {10.00 to 1 Compression} without
any 'significant bothersome' issues, but that's the maximum we recommended.

Plus the Piston {Weight @ 583 Grams + Pin @ 132 Grams} was beneficial for quench power.


But in California, with Octane Levels {87 ~ 89 ~ 91}


Time for 'calculations'.