Good calculator

Rani, i misunderstood you in the o.p. when you stated that you were teaching a group of middle school kids math.
This must be an advanced group of kids compared to the others of that age.
To me, as i was taught back in the late '70s, math was a seporate class that you had to pass before you went on to algebra and finally calculus.
The ''math'' thing is what really threw me off, as i am not aware of the terminology used today for these new students.
When i took algebra and physics in grade 10, 11, and 12, we were allowed to use calculators on some of the tests. On all tests we could use a slide rule though......
We also used sine, cosine, and tangent charts to determine answers and had to show all of our work in writing on the test, or else we were deducted points from our score.
Times certainly have changed!
Sorry if i got off topic.....