Grant horn button help!

So just to be clear, you have an Ididit column and the Grant steering wheel adapter, correct??

In looking through this video, you might need the Ididit wheel adapter that adapts the Grant wheel to their column.

Look here at the 2:15 mark:

Which ididit Steering Wheel Adaptor is Right for You - YouTube

I have the grant 3 to 5 bolt adapter, grant wheel, and a grant horn button . What I'm trying to find is the guts to the horn button. Grant tells me it's one thing (which is wrong) and then turn around and tell me that I need to take it to a machine shop and do all this custom work which is total bs. The ididit adapter is a last resort. It's not the look I want but at least I know it will work. What I need is what '67 Cuda showed in his last post.